Save our oceans. Plant corals.
Find out how you can actively contribute to coral reef protection!
About us
Reviving coral reefs for climate conservation
PLANT-MY-CORAL is dedicated to international climate protection. A central tool for this is the topic of corals. Coral reefs need assistance in coping with the warming of the oceans. PLANT-MY-CORAL propagates heat-resistant corals, which serve as the foundation for a restored reef. With some care and affection, corals are able to once again attract marine life. The complex ecosystem comes back to life.
Our company solutions
Planting corals
The foundation of PLANT-MY-TREE® will always be local environmental and climate protection. However, we are aware that this alone will not be enough to make a significant impact globally. Therefore, we are also striving to leave a large footprint worldwide.
Planting trees
Various packages are available for companies to express their commitment to climate protection in a noticeable way. These range from simple tree donations to large planting events with customers, employees, and business partners. The possibilities are enormous, and so is the impact on the climate.
Climate neutrality
The issue of greenhouse gas emissions (often referred to as CO₂ emissions) will inevitably engage all companies in the coming years to varying extents. What does your personal roadmap to carbon neutrality look like? Let’s analyze it together.
Why are corals so important?
Corals: the foundation of ocean health
Like rainforests on land, coral reefs provide shelter to many different species. More than a million plant and animal species are associated with coral reefs. Coral reefs support 25% of all marine life globally.
Coast defense
Coral reefs protect more than 150,000 km of coastline in over 100 countries by reducing wave height by 70% and wave energy by 97%.
Over 1 billion people depend on fishing as their main source of protein. Well managed reefs produce 5 to 10 tons fish/km² per year. Dying coral reefs are drastically reducing fish stocks and biodiversity. Through the loss of healthy coral reefs, biodiversity and commercial fish stocks will be drastically depleted’.
Why now?
Time is of the essence
Climate change impacts coral reefs through increasing sea surface temperatures, increasing storm action, increasing ocean acidity, and rising sea levels. The most imminent threat of these is increasing temperatures causing mass bleaching events and die-offs of corals worldwide. With the current rate of global warming, we could lose 90% of coral reefs by 2050.
What we do
Our commitment to coral conservation
Coral reefs are an integral ecosystem – one we simply cannot afford to lose. In the fight against climate change, it is essential that we work together. Alongside our worldwide
project partners, we help to preserve our underwater world.
Together, we are aiding the recovery of reefs via the outplanting of thousands of corals. What kind of impact do you leave? Join other sponsors and Plant my Coral as we embark on our planet’s mission to protect and preserve coral reefs worldwide, for the creatures that call them home, and for ourselves!
How it works
Our approach to coral restoration
We collect fragments (5 to 10 cm) of so-called super corals: they are particularly resistant and have a high temperature tolerance.
The coral fragments are then raised on ropes in the water – our underwater nurseries.
Depending on the coral species and growth rate, they remain in our underwater nurseries for 9 to 12 months.
Once they have reached a sufficient size, the corals are relocated and outplanted to their designated reef. This is the basis for new and healthy reefs.
Where we take action
PLANT-MY-CORAL around the world
Addressing the global challenge of coral decline, PLANT-MY-CORAL operates on a global scale. Our mission takes us to key locations, where coral ecosystems face unique threats. We’re committed to making a difference in these diverse regions.
With coral reefs declining worldwide, we have partnered with numerous organisations across our blue planet to fulfil our mission. Providing a practical way to get involved, click below to learn more about associated projects and to join us in creating a healthier marine environment.